Little Alchemy

Little Alchemy is a popular online game where the player starts with four basic elements – air, water, fire, and earth – and combines them to create new elements, objects, and even creatures. The game has a simple interface and can be played in a web browser or downloaded as an app on mobile devices.
The goal of the game is to discover as many elements as possible by mixing different combinations together. For example, combining water and earth creates mud, which can then be combined with fire to create bricks. As the player discovers more elements, they can unlock new categories and create increasingly complex items.
Little Alchemy is a fun and educational game that encourages experimentation and creativity. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages and has become a popular pastime for both children and adults alike.

Little Alchemy Tactics

  1. Experiment and Try Different Combinations: The key to discovering new elements is to experiment with different combinations. Try mixing different elements in various ways to see what happens.
  2. Pay Attention to Clues: When you combine two elements, pay attention to the clue that pops up. The clue can give you a hint about what you need to create next.
  3. Combine Basic Elements First: Start by combining the four basic elements (air, water, fire, and earth) to create more complex elements. For example, air and earth make dust, and water and fire make steam.
  4. Look for Patterns: Little Alchemy has a lot of patterns that can help you discover new elements. For example, many animals are made by combining a basic element with a specific category, such as air and bird, or earth and reptile.
  5. Keep the Elements You Need Handy: As you discover new elements, keep them on hand for future combinations. This can save you time and help you discover new elements more quickly.
  6. Use the Hint Feature Sparingly: Little Alchemy has a hint feature that can give you a clue about what to create next. However, its more satisfying to discover new elements on your own, so try to use the hint feature sparingly.